The Pitfalls of Modern Liberalism
Liberalism is an ideology that was founded as a way to fight for common liberties, it is a sect of progressive ism and while initially with good intent, like most things, it has gone astray thanks to modern ideals which are contrary to the pursuit of freedom. Modern liberalism fights against common liberties in the name of "safety" and "emotional distress." A modern liberal will fight against the right to speak freely for fear of offending someone, they'll argue that your rights are merely privileges afforded to you by the government which can be stripped at any moment, like what we've seen with major social media recently. [1]
Common arguments used by modern liberals mostly include straw men. They'll say their personal experiences are facts and use them to argue against any logical argument that is put before them and when disputed they'll devolve to name calling and other disreputable methods of suppression even going so far as to label you a murderer for trying to fight for your right to defend yourself and your family.
- A common battleground the modern liberal frequents is the second amendment, and they have become very good at suppressing any argument against them in this field. The most common attack they use is to establish an emotional response by using recent or otherwise famous tragedies in order to open them up to label any opponent that comes against them as an enemy of the people. Why else would anyone defend guns over the lives of children right? [2]
- Another discussion that is rife with modern liberal propagandists is the immigration debate, and again they establish an emotional response by bringing up children in the argument, what kind of evil person would argue against helping children? However with this argument it is a bit more difficult situation for them to label their enemies as many people including legal immigrants are against illegal immigration, and because many illegal immigrants are violent criminals it leaves them open to be countered by even the most inept debater. [3]
- The third and last common debate a modern liberal digs their claws into is on abortion, however in this field they do a complete 180 and destroy any argument based on emotional responses. (They aren't very consistent) With this one they'll argue that killing an innocent life is empowering for women because they are taking control of their body, and anyone who argues against this is labeled sexist and/or a religious zealot.
The best way to debate a modern liberal is to use facts and logic, cite your sources so that there are few ways for them to dismiss you. When they do dismiss you, and they will always try, make sure you restate your sources and insist that dismissing the truth will not change the facts. If you find yourself blocked and/or muted by them in the middle of the debate that is proof they have lost, the number 1 method of the modern liberal is to stifle discussion and further the echo chamber by dividing people into two groups; those who are allowed to speak, and those who are not.
- When confronting modern liberals on the second amendment, make sure to identify how far left they are, this will tell you whether you are debating to change their mind or debating to win the argument and sway onlookers. If someone is against the second amendment because they feel that "assault" weapons are not needed for hunting (a common misconception around the second amendment) you can usually sway this line of thinking by bringing up the fact that when the bill of rights was written, hunting was already considered a basic right due to the fact that hunting was one of the only ways to acquire food during that time. [4] If however someone is against the second amendment because they feel that the government is too powerful to fight against, or that there is no need to fight against it because we can vote tyranny away (another misconception this time around the concept of tyranny) you cannot sway this line of thinking because there is no logic to it to begin with. When dealing with the latter argument sources and facts are even more important because you are not trying to change their way of thinking rather you are trying to convince any onlookers that your side is the right one. Use facts like FBI crime statistics, bring up the fact that average murders each year with guns in the USA only amount to 12K deaths, while lives saved by guns in the USA on average each year equal ~500K - 3 million. [5] You can also bring up the spanish suppression of the catalan people, where police attacked people who were trying to vote for their independence. [6]
- When joining the immigration debate, make sure not to fall for the "dreamer" argument. The idea that because someone has gotten away with a crime for decades that they are now immune to the consequences of that crime. While true dreamers should have some leniency for being victims of the crime rather than perpetrators of it, this does not mean we should be rewarding the ones who did make the conscious decision to commit the crime because we're afraid of splitting families up. You don't hear anyone arguing that we can't send murderers to jail because their children will be stripped of their parents, so why would that be a good argument for any other crime? Facts that are pertinent to this discussion are based around other countries border policies like japan where if you are there illegally you will be deported and banned from entering the country again. [7] Mexico even goes so far as to bar non mexicans from any form of politics in mexico, with threat of serious jail time. [8] Other facts include the outcome of the migrant invasion of europe, where places like france, germany, and england have had crime skyrocket and their standard of living decrease after welcoming muslim refugees. [9]
- And finally to counter the abortion argument you need to avoid discussing on an emotional level as this is the one field where liberals are anti emotion. When they bring up the "it's my body, my choice" argument you can counter with the fact that the baby (fetus as they'll insist it be called to stifle any emotional response) is it's own separate and unique being and not connected in any way to the mother aside from feeding tubes used to provide nutrients to the child. [10] When they try and argue that the baby (fetus) is a lump of cells and cannot feel any pain, bring up the fact that after 10 weeks from conception the baby has grown all of its internal organs and nerve endings. [11] And the best way to defeat them in this argument is to show a video of an actual abortion, because while this is the one area where they are against emotions, it is also the one area they are most weak to emotions because women are built to be mothers, they are not built to be able to stand watching someone torture and murder an innocent child. In fact studies have shown that suicide in women rises with abortion. [12]
Modern liberals are fragile and erratic, stay calm and you will almost always be able to win when debating them. We can stand against the spread of communism in america together.
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